1. 程式人生 > >【leetcode】Linked List Cycle II,判斷連結串列是否有環

【leetcode】Linked List Cycle II,判斷連結串列是否有環


//using inplace marks
    ListNode* func(ListNode* head,ListNode* tag)
       if(head==NULL)return NULL;
        if(head->next == tag )
            return head;
        ListNode *p=head->next;
        head->next = tag;
        ListNode* ret=func(p,tag);
next = p; return ret; } ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) { ListNode* tag = new ListNode(0); if(head==NULL) { return NULL; } ListNode* p = head->next; head->next = tag; ListNode* ret = func(p,tag); head->
next = p; return ret; } //using fast and slow pointers ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) { ListNode *fast=head,*slow=head; while(fast!=NULL&&slow!=NULL) { fast = fast->next; if(fast == NULL) return NULL; //if doesn't has a cycle,then fast reach the end before the slow. fast = fast->next; slow = slow->next; if(fast==slow) break; } if(fast!=NULL) // if has a cycle { int n=1; // n is the number of nodes in the cycle. fast = fast->next; while(fast!=slow) { ++n; fast=fast->next; } //Then we let two pointers begin from the front,and one begins after the another n nodes, //so that they can meet at the node where cycle begins. fast=head,slow=head; while(n>0) { fast = fast->next; --n; } while(fast!=slow) { fast=fast->next; slow=slow->next; } return fast; } else { return NULL; } }