1. 程式人生 > >P2921 [USACO08DEC]在農場萬聖節Trick or Treat on the Farm

P2921 [USACO08DEC]在農場萬聖節Trick or Treat on the Farm

include i++ opened else ons using sed spl pac

 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 inline  int read(){
 4     int sum=0,x=1;
 5     char ch=getchar();
 6     while(ch<0||ch>9){
 7         if(ch==-)
 8             x=0;
 9         ch=getchar();
10     }
11     while(ch>=0&&ch<=9)
12         sum=(sum<<1
)+(sum<<3)+(ch^48),ch=getchar(); 13 return x?sum:-sum; 14 } 15 inline void write(int x){ 16 if(x<0) 17 putchar(-),x=-x; 18 if(x>9) 19 write(x/10); 20 putchar(x%10+0); 21 } 22 const int M=1e5+5; 23 int nex[M]; 24 int color[M];//在圖上記錄走過的標記; 25 int dfn[M];//
時間戳 26 int minc[M];//記錄當前換的大小; 27 int incycle[M];//記錄當前牛什麽時候進入環 28 int ma(int x,int y){ 29 return x>y?x:y; 30 } 31 int main(){ 32 int n=read(); 33 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) 34 nex[i]=read(); 35 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ 36 for(int j=i,cnt=0;;cnt++,j=nex[j]){ 37
if(!color[j]){ 38 color[j]=i; 39 dfn[j]=cnt; 40 } 41 else if(color[j]==i){ 42 write(cnt); 43 putchar(\n); 44 minc[i]=cnt-dfn[j]; 45 incycle[i]=dfn[j]; 46 break; 47 } 48 else{ 49 minc[i]=minc[color[j]]; 50 incycle[i]=cnt+ma(incycle[color[j]]-dfn[j],0); 51 write(minc[i]+incycle[i]); 52 putchar(\n); 53 break; 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 return 0; 58 }
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P2921 [USACO08DEC]在農場萬聖節Trick or Treat on the Farm