1. 程式人生 > >【leetcode】資料庫練習二


The Trips table holds all taxi trips. Each trip has a unique Id, while Client_Id and Driver_Id are both foreign keys to the Users_Id at the Users table. Status is an ENUM type of (‘completed’, ‘cancelled_by_driver’, ‘cancelled_by_client’).

| Id | Client_Id | Driver_Id | City_Id |        Status      |Request_at|
| 1  |     1     |    10     |    1    |     completed      |2013-10-01|
| 2  |     2     |    11     |    1    | cancelled_by_driver|2013-10-01|
| 3  |     3     |    12     |    6    |     completed      |2013-10-01|
| 4  |     4     |    13     |    6    | cancelled_by_client|2013-10-01|
| 5  |     1     |    10     |    1    |     completed      |2013-10-02|
| 6  |     2     |    11     |    6    |     completed      |2013-10-02|
| 7  |     3     |    12     |    6    |     completed      |2013-10-02|
| 8  |     2     |    12     |    12   |     completed      |2013-10-03|
| 9  |     3     |    10     |    12   |     completed      |2013-10-03| 
| 10 |     4     |    13     |    12   | cancelled_by_driver|2013-10-03|

The Users table holds all users. Each user has an unique Users_Id, and Role is an ENUM type of (‘client’, ‘driver’, ‘partner’).

| Users_Id | Banned |  Role  |
|    1     |   No   | client |
|    2     |   Yes  | client |
|    3     |   No   | client |
|    4     |   No   | client |
|    10    |   No   | driver |
|    11    |   No   | driver |
|    12    |   No   | driver |
|    13    |   No   | driver |

Write a SQL query to find the cancellation rate of requests made by unbanned users between Oct 1, 2013 and Oct 3, 2013. For the above tables, your SQL query should return the following rows with the cancellation rate being rounded to two decimal places.

|     Day    | Cancellation Rate |
| 2013-10-01 |       0.33        |
| 2013-10-02 |       0.00        |
| 2013-10-03 |       0.50        |
SELECT Request_at as Day, ROUND(SUM(t.Status != "completed") / COUNT(*), 2) as "Cancellation Rate"
    FROM Trips t 
    JOIN Users c ON t.Client_ID = c.Users_ID AND c.Banned = "No"
    JOIN Users d ON t.Driver_ID = d.Users_ID AND d.Banned = "No"
    WHERE Request_at BETWEEN "2013-10-01" AND "2013-10-03"
    GROUP BY Request_at;

【 Median Employee Salary】

The Employee table holds all employees. The employee table has three columns: Employee Id, Company Name, and Salary.

|Id   | Company    | Salary |
|1    | A          | 2341   |
|2    | A          | 341    |
|3    | A          | 15     |
|4    | A          | 15314  |
|5    | A          | 451    |
|6    | A          | 513    |
|7    | B          | 15     |
|8    | B          | 13     |
|9    | B          | 1154   |
|10   | B          | 1345   |
|11   | B          | 1221   |
|12   | B          | 234    |
|13   | C          | 2345   |
|14   | C          | 2645   |
|15   | C          | 2645   |
|16   | C          | 2652   |
|17   | C          | 65     |

Write a SQL query to find the median salary of each company. Bonus points if you can solve it without using any built-in SQL functions.

    Employee.Id, Employee.Company, Employee.Salary
    Employee alias
    Employee.Company = alias.Company
GROUP BY Employee.Company , Employee.Salary
    WHEN Employee.Salary = alias.Salary THEN 1
    ELSE 0
END) >= ABS(SUM(SIGN(Employee.Salary - alias.Salary)))
ORDER BY Employee.Id

【Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports】

The Employee table holds all employees including their managers. Every employee has an Id, and there is also a column for the manager Id.

|Id    |Name 	  |Department |ManagerId |
|101   |John 	  |A 	      |null      |
|102   |Dan 	  |A 	      |101       |
|103   |James 	  |A 	      |101       |
|104   |Amy 	  |A 	      |101       |
|105   |Anne 	  |A 	      |101       |
|106   |Ron 	  |B 	      |101       |
    Employee AS t1 JOIN
    (SELECT                 //沒想到
    GROUP BY ManagerId
    HAVING COUNT(ManagerId) >= 5) AS t2
    ON t1.Id = t2.ManagerId