1. 程式人生 > >Sort With 2 Stacks - Medium

Sort With 2 Stacks - Medium

Given an array that is initially stored in one stack, sort it with one additional stacks (total 2 stacks).

After sorting the original stack should contain the sorted integers and from top to bottom the integers are sorted in ascending order.


  • The given stack is not null.


  • No additional memory, time complexity = O(n ^ 2).


基於selection sort,一個stack即當buffer又當output,每次倒的時候記錄global min及出現次數(以防重複元素)

time: O(n^2), space: O(n)

public class Solution {
  public void sort(LinkedList<Integer> s1) {
    LinkedList<Integer> s2 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
// Write your solution here. if(s1 == null || s1.size() < 0) { return; } int cnt = 0; while(!s1.isEmpty()) { int globalMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while(!s1.isEmpty()) { int tmp = s1.pop(); if(tmp < globalMin) { globalMin = tmp; } s2.push(tmp); }
while(!s2.isEmpty() && s2.peek() >= globalMin) { int tmp = s2.pop(); if(tmp == globalMin) { cnt++; } else { s1.push(tmp); } } while(cnt > 0) { s2.push(globalMin); cnt--; } } while(!s2.isEmpty()) { s1.push(s2.pop()); } } }