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leetcode 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 解題報告




class Solution {
    int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {
vector<int> ans(prices.size()*2,0); vector<int> p(prices.size(),0);//儲存著前i天的最大值 //第一次 int result = 0; for(int i = 0;i<prices.size();i++) { int counting = 0; for(int j = 0;j<i;j++) { counting =
counting>(prices[i]-prices[j])?counting:(prices[i]-prices[j]); } ans[i] = counting; result = result>counting?result:counting; p[i] = result; //cout<<i<<" "<<counting<<endl; } //第二次 for(int i =
prices.size()+1;i<2*prices.size();i++) { int counting = 0; for(int j = prices.size()+1;j<i;j++) { int number = p[j-prices.size()-1]+(prices[i-prices.size()]-prices[j-prices.size()]); counting = counting>number?counting:number; } ans[i] = counting; result = result>counting?result:counting; //cout<<i<<" "<<counting<<endl; } return result; } };



根據我的定義,有p[i]來表示第一次交易在前i天所取得的最大值。這個值是根據F[0][j]來產生的,而F[0][j]是可以由j的增加來動態產生的,一段時間內的售出最大值可以由前一天的售出最大值計算得到,因為F[0][j] = prices[j]-min{prices[i]},這個最小价格顯然不會隨著j的增大而改變(除非j自己更新了它)。因此會有F[0][j] = max(0,F[0][j-1]+prices[j]-prices[j-1]),此時p[i]的計算代價可以縮小到O(n)。

        int result = 0;
        for(int i = 1;i<prices.size();i++)
            ans[i] = max(ans[i-1]+prices[i]-prices[i-1],0);
            result = result>ans[i]?result:ans[i];
            p[i] = result;



觀察後面的二層迴圈,可以發現number = p[j-prices.size()-1]+(prices[i-prices.size()]-prices[j-prices.size()]);這條式子可以化為number = p[j-prices.size()-1]-prices[j-prices.size()]+prices[i-prices.size()];,考慮到i是不變的,也就是利潤等於買入前一天的最大值與買入時的股票價格的差值的最大值加上賣出時的股票價格。
因此,設m[j]=max{p[j-1]-prices[j]}F[1][j] = m[j-1]+prices[j]


class Solution {
    int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {
        vector<int> ans(prices.size()*2,0);
        vector<int> p(prices.size(),0);//儲存著前i天的最大值
        vector<int> m(prices.size(),-1*(1<<31));
        int result = 0;
        for(int i = 1;i<prices.size();i++)
            ans[i] = max(ans[i-1]+prices[i]-prices[i-1],0);
            result = result>ans[i]?result:ans[i];
            p[i] = result;
            m[i] = p[i-1]-prices[i];
            m[i] = m[i]>m[i-1]?m[i]:m[i-1];
            //cout<<"m"<<i<<" "<<m[i]<<endl;
        for(int i = 1;i<prices.size();i++)
            ans[i] = m[i-1]+prices[i];
            result = result>ans[i]?result:ans[i];
        return result;



leetcode 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 解題報告

標籤為Hard,動態規劃題目 與一般的股票題目類似,但是最多支援兩次賣出操作,很容易想到多開一個維度。 設F[i][j]為第i次操作後第j天賣出時能得到的最大收益 有F[i][j]=max{F[i-1][0..j-1]}+prices[j]-min{prices

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leetcode | 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

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Leetcode 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i. Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. Y

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LeetCode123.Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

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題目 https://leetcode.com/problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock-iii/ 基本思路 開闢兩個陣列p1和p2 p1[i]表示在price[i]之前進行一次交易所獲得的最大利潤, p2[i]表示在price[i

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解題思路: DP,只是儲存的空間是O(1) 這個討論區的答案 首先buy1點是第一次買入點,對於當前點數,只有一個點數的時候只能買入,有兩個及以上的點數時可以選擇買入當前點數或者不買入當前點數即還是使用之前的點數。 sell1是第一次售出點,對於 當前點數可以選擇售出,或者不售出 buy

LeetCode】#123買賣股票的最佳時機III(Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III)

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