1. 程式人生 > >【BZOJ 1180】OTOCI【LCT】&【樹鏈剖分+並查集】

【BZOJ 1180】OTOCI【LCT】&【樹鏈剖分+並查集】


1、bridge A B:詢問結點A與結點B是否連通。如果是則輸出“no”。否則輸出“yes”,並且在結點A和結點B之間連一條無向邊。
2、penguins A X:將結點A對應的權值wA修改為X。
3、excursion A B:如果結點A和結點B不連通,則輸出“impossible”。否則輸出結點A到結點B的路徑上的點對應的權值的和。
給出q個操作,要求線上處理所有操作。資料範圍:1<=n<=30000, 1<=q<=300000, 0<=wi<=1000。








using namespace std; #define N 60010 #define lson node[o].ls #define rson node[o].rs struct LCT{ struct Node{ int idx,fa,ls,rs,path_fa; } node[N]; int cnt,pos[N],a[N],tot[N]; bool ch[N]; inline void maintain(int o) { if(ch[o]) { ch[o] = false; ch[lson] = !ch[lson]; ch[rson] = !ch[rson]; swap(lson,rson); } tot[o] = tot[lson] + tot[rson] + a[node[o].idx]; } void
l_rotate(int o) { int y = node[o].fa; node[o].path_fa = node[y].path_fa; node[y].path_fa = 0; node[y].rs = lson; int tmp = tot[y]; tot[y] = tot[y] - tot[o] + tot[lson]; tot[o] = tmp; if(lson) node[lson].fa = y; node[o].fa = node[y].fa; if(node[y].fa) { if(y == node[node[y].fa].ls) node[node[y].fa].ls = o; else node[node[y].fa].rs = o; } node[y].fa = o; node[o].ls = y; } void r_rotate(int o) { int y = node[o].fa; node[o].path_fa = node[y].path_fa; node[y].path_fa = 0; node[y].ls = rson; int tmp = tot[y]; tot[y] = tot[y] - tot[o] + tot[rson]; tot[o] = tmp; if(rson) node[rson].fa = y; node[o].fa = node[y].fa; if(node[y].fa) { if(y == node[node[y].fa].ls) node[node[y].fa].ls = o; else node[node[y].fa].rs = o; } node[y].fa = o; node[o].rs = y; } void splay(int o) { while(node[o].fa) { int pa = node[o].fa; maintain(pa); if(node[pa].ls) maintain(node[pa].ls); if(node[pa].rs) maintain(node[pa].rs); if(o == node[node[o].fa].ls) r_rotate(o); else l_rotate(o); } } void access(int o) { splay(o); maintain(o); int q = rson; rson = node[q].fa = 0; node[q].path_fa = o; maintain(o); for(q = node[o].path_fa;q;q = node[o].path_fa) { splay(q); maintain(q); int r = node[q].rs; node[r].fa = 0; node[r].path_fa = q; node[q].rs = o; node[o].fa = q; node[o].path_fa = 0; maintain(q); o = q; } splay(o); } int find_root(int o) { access(o); splay(o); maintain(o); while(lson) o = lson; splay(o); return o; } void evert(int o) { access(o); splay(o); ch[o] = !ch[o]; maintain(o); } void cut(int p,int q) { evert(p); access(q); splay(q); maintain(q); node[node[q].ls].fa = 0; node[q].ls = 0; maintain(q); } void link(int p,int q) { evert(p); splay(p); maintain(p); access(q); splay(q); maintain(q); node[p].ls = q; node[q].fa = p; maintain(p); } int sum(int p,int q) { evert(p); splay(p); maintain(p); access(q); splay(q); maintain(q); return tot[q]; } void change(int o,int d,int pre) { splay(o); tot[o] += d - pre; } void init() { cnt = 0; memset(pos,0,sizeof(pos)); tot[0] = 0; } void make_tree(int idx,int d) { a[idx] = d; int o = ++cnt; pos[idx] = o; node[o].fa = lson = rson = node[o].path_fa = 0; tot[o] = d; node[o].idx = idx; } int getroot(int idx) { return node[find_root(idx)].idx; } void add_edge(int x,int y) { link(pos[x],pos[y]); } void destory(int x,int y) { cut(pos[x],pos[y]); } int getsum(int x,int y) { return sum(pos[x],pos[y]); } void Change(int x,int d) { change(pos[x],d,a[x]); a[x] = d; } }T; int n,u,v,q; char str[20]; int main() { scanf("%d",&n); T.init(); for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) { scanf("%d",&v); T.make_tree(i,v); } scanf("%d",&q); while(q--) { scanf("%s%d%d",str,&u,&v); if(str[0] == 'b') { if(T.getroot(u) == T.getroot(v)) puts("no"); else {puts("yes"); T.add_edge(u,v);} } else if(str[0] == 'p') T.Change(u,v); else { if(T.getroot(u) != T.getroot(v)) puts("impossible"); else printf("%d\n",T.getsum(u,v)); } } return 0; }




using namespace std;
#define N 30100
#define M 300100

struct node{int to,next;}e[N<<2];
int head[N],tot;

int tid[N],son[N],fa[N],top[N],dep[N],size[N],Rank[N];
int n,a[N],tim;
bool vis[N];

void init()
    tot = tim = 0;

void add_edge(int from,int to)
    e[++tot].next = head[from];
    head[from] = tot;
    e[tot].to = to;

void dfs1(int v,int pa,int deep)
    dep[v] = deep; fa[v] = pa; size[v] = 1;
    vis[v] = 1;
    for(int i = head[v];i;i = e[i].next)
        if(e[i].to != pa) {
            size[v] += size[e[i].to];
            if(son[v] == -1 || size[e[i].to] > size[son[v]])
                son[v] = e[i].to;

void dfs2(int v,int tp)
    top[v] = tp; tid[v] = ++tim;
    Rank[tid[v]] = v;
    if(son[v] == -1) return;
    for(int i = head[v];i;i=e[i].next)
        if(e[i].to != son[v] && e[i].to != fa[v])

int f[N];
int find(int x) { return x == f[x] ? x : f[x] = find(f[x]);}

#define lson o << 1
#define rson o << 1 | 1
int sum[N<<2];

void build(int o,int l,int r)
    if(l == r) {sum[o] = a[Rank[l]]; return;}
    int mid = (l+r)>>1;
    build(lson,l,mid); build(rson,mid+1,r);
    sum[o] = sum[lson] + sum[rson];

void update(int o,int l,int r,int pos,int v)
    if(l == r) {sum[o] = v; return;}
    int mid = (l+r)>>1;
    if(pos <= mid) update(lson,l,mid,pos,v); else update(rson,mid+1,r,pos,v);
    sum[o] = sum[lson] + sum[rson];

int query(int o,int l,int r,int ll,int rr)
    if(ll <= l && rr >= r) return sum[o];
    int mid = (l+r)>>1;
    int ans = 0;
    if(ll <= mid) ans += query(lson,l,mid,ll,rr);
    if(rr > mid) ans += query(rson,mid+1,r,ll,rr);
    return ans;

int Query(int x,int y)
    int ans = 0;
    while(top[x] != top[y]) {
        if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x,y);
        ans += query(1,1,n,tid[top[x]],tid[x]);
        x = fa[top[x]];
    if(dep[x] > dep[y]) swap(x,y);
    ans += query(1,1,n,tid[x],tid[y]);
    return ans;

int A[M],B[M],opt[M];
int m;
char str[20];
int main()
    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]);

    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) f[i] = i;
    for(int i = 1;i <= m;i++) {
        if(str[0] == 'b') {
            opt[i] = 1;
            int x = find(A[i]),y = find(B[i]);
            if(x != y) {
                f[x] = y;
                add_edge(A[i],B[i]); add_edge(B[i],A[i]);
        if(str[0] == 'p') opt[i] = 2;
        if(str[0] == 'e') opt[i] = 3;
    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++)
        if(!vis[i]) dfs1(i,0,0),dfs2(i,i);

    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++) f[i] = i;
    for(int i = 1;i <= m;i++) {
        if(opt[i] == 1) {
            int x = find(A[i]),y = find(B[i]);
            if(x != y) {puts("yes"); f[x] = y;} else puts("no");
        if(opt[i] == 2) update(1,1,n,tid[A[i]],B[i]);
        if(opt[i] == 3) {
            int x = find(A[i]),y = find(B[i]);
            if(x != y) puts("impossible"); else printf("%d\n",Query(A[i],B[i]));
    return 0;



Description 給出n個結點以及每個點初始時對應的權值wi。起始時點與點之間沒有連邊。有3類操作: 1、bridge A B:詢問結點A與結點B是否連通。如果是則輸出“no”。否則輸出“yes”,並且在結點A和結點B之間連一條無向邊。 2、pe

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