1. 程式人生 > >四元數在OSG中的應用分析





四元數:Q = [w,(x,y,z)]被定義為一個四元數,w為一個實數,(x,y,z)是一個三維向量,四元數的基底為(1,i,j,k),則 Q = w + xi + yj + zk;四元數是複數在四維空間的推廣,於是可以認為i,j,k是四元數的虛單位。
尤拉證明了任何旋轉都可以通過對一個軸的單一旋轉來表示,因此方向可以分解為一個角度(θ)+軸(n),可能有人和我一樣以為osg:: Quat(x,y,z,w)就是沿著軸(x,y,z)正向看去逆時針旋轉w角度(正向是從原點指向點(x,y,z)的向量的方向)但是,這是不對的。尤拉認為這個角度和軸不是簡單的放在四元數中

q = [ cos(θ/2) , sin(θ/2)n ] = [ cos(θ/2), ( sin(θ/2)x, sin(θ/2)y, sin(θ/2)z ) ]
 四元數的標量部分為cos(θ/2)即把旋轉角的一半的餘弦值作為四元數的標量部分;把旋轉角的一半的正弦值和這個旋轉軸數乘以後得到的向量作為四元數的向量部分。而osg:: Quat在處理時將標量部分放在了最後,上面q用在osg中用osg:: Quat表示為:
q = [ sin(θ/2)n , cos(θ/2) ] = [ ( sin(θ/2)x, sin(θ/2)y, sin(θ/2)z ) ,cos(θ/2) ]
即在osg:: Quat中,它的成員變數_v[3]表示的是四元數的標量部分,因為餘弦函式的值域是有界閉區間[-1,1],所以看來_v[3]的值是介於[-1,1]區間上的,看osg:: Quat的一個成員函式makeRotate

void Quat::makeRotate( value_type angle, value_type x, value_type y, value_type z )
    const value_type epsilon = 0.0000001;

    value_type length = sqrt( x*x + y*y + z*z );
    if (length < epsilon)
        // ~zero length axis, so reset rotation to zero.
        *this = Quat();

    value_type inversenorm  = 1.0/length;            //等會用於單位化旋轉軸
    value_type coshalfangle = cos( 0.5*angle );      //旋轉角一半的餘弦,用於實部
    value_type sinhalfangle = sin( 0.5*angle );      //旋轉角一半的正弦

    _v[0] = x * sinhalfangle * inversenorm;
    _v[1] = y * sinhalfangle * inversenorm;
    _v[2] = z * sinhalfangle * inversenorm;          //旋轉軸被單位化
    _v[3] = coshalfangle;

函式最後一句 "_v[3] = coshalfangle;" 說明了osg:: Quat對實部處理的這個事實,而同時,旋轉軸被單位化,再乘以一個值域有界為[-1,1]的正弦值,所以虛部每一個分量都介於[-1,1]之間。通過上述處理,可以將一個旋轉角,一個旋轉軸轉化為一個四元數。

void Quat::getRotate( value_type& angle, value_type& x, value_type& y, value_type& z ) const
    value_type sinhalfangle = sqrt( _v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2] );

    angle = 2.0 * atan2( sinhalfangle, _v[3] );
        x = _v[0] / sinhalfangle;
        y = _v[1] / sinhalfangle;
        z = _v[2] / sinhalfangle;
        x = 0.0;
        y = 0.0;
        z = 1.0;


程式碼中第一句 "sqrt( _v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2] )" 為什麼會是旋轉角一半的正弦值,看看剛才makeRotate的時候是怎麼處理過的:
 _v[0] = x * sinhalfangle * inversenorm;
 _v[1] = y * sinhalfangle * inversenorm;
 _v[2] = z * sinhalfangle * inversenorm;

sin(angle/2) = sqrt(1 - _v[3]*_v[3]),_v[3]就是cos(angle/2),所以angle = 2 * acos(_v[3]),osg:: Quat中旋轉角angle的得到比較迂迴,它求得coshalfangle/sinhalfangle的反正切,即得angle的一半。求旋轉軸的時候分別給_v[0],_v[1],_v[2]除以sinhalfangle得到單位化後的旋轉軸。

四元數的運演算法則:i*i = j*j = k*k = i*j*k = -1;
ij = k; ji = -k;
jk = i; kj = -i;
ki = j; ik = -j;
大家可以用上面的法則推倒一下osg:: Quat中四元數的乘法,發現結果是正確的^^,乘法的時候,osg:: Quat是將實部放在最後一個分量_v[3]上的,有四元數的共軛:
inline Quat conj () const return Quat( -_v[0], -_v[1], -_v[2], _v[3] ); }可以進一步看出第四個分量是實部,歡迎討論,批評指正。


void Quat::makeRotate( const Vec3d& from, const Vec3d& to )
    Vec3d sourceVector = from;
    Vec3d targetVector = to;

    value_type fromLen2 = from.length2();
    value_type fromLen;
    // normalize only when necessary, epsilon test
    if ((fromLen2 < 1.0-1e-7) || (fromLen2 > 1.0+1e-7)) {
        fromLen = sqrt(fromLen2);
        sourceVector /= fromLen;
    } else fromLen = 1.0;

    value_type toLen2 = to.length2();
    // normalize only when necessary, epsilon test
    if ((toLen2 < 1.0-1e-7) || (toLen2 > 1.0+1e-7)) {
        value_type toLen;
        // re-use fromLen for case of mapping 2 vectors of the same length
        if ((toLen2 > fromLen2-1e-7) && (toLen2 < fromLen2+1e-7)) {
            toLen = fromLen;
        else toLen = sqrt(toLen2);
        targetVector /= toLen;

//現在讓我們進入真正的東西使用“點積+ 1”ε測試,因為它可以重複使用    double dotProdPlus1 = 1.0 + sourceVector * targetVector;

    // 檢查退化的全面轉變。用ε來檢測
    if (dotProdPlus1 < 1e-7) {

        // 得到一個正交向量給定向量與最大平面向量的座標。然後用四元數與π軸角
        // Trick is to realize one value at least is >0.6 for a normalized vector.至少一個值> 0.6
        if (fabs(sourceVector.x()) < 0.6) {
            const double norm = sqrt(1.0 - sourceVector.x() * sourceVector.x());
            _v[0] = 0.0;
            _v[1] = sourceVector.z() / norm;
            _v[2] = -sourceVector.y() / norm;
            _v[3] = 0.0;
        } else if (fabs(sourceVector.y()) < 0.6) {
            const double norm = sqrt(1.0 - sourceVector.y() * sourceVector.y());
            _v[0] = -sourceVector.z() / norm;
            _v[1] = 0.0;
            _v[2] = sourceVector.x() / norm;
            _v[3] = 0.0;
        } else {
            const double norm = sqrt(1.0 - sourceVector.z() * sourceVector.z());
            _v[0] = sourceVector.y() / norm;
            _v[1] = -sourceVector.x() / norm;
            _v[2] = 0.0;
            _v[3] = 0.0;

    else {
        const double s = sqrt(0.5 * dotProdPlus1);
        const Vec3d tmp = sourceVector ^ targetVector / (2.0*s);
        _v[0] = tmp.x();
        _v[1] = tmp.y();
        _v[2] = tmp.z();
        _v[3] = s;



void Matrix_implementation::setRotate(const Quat& q)
    double length2 = q.length2();//四元數長度的平方(_v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2] + _v[3]*_v[3])不能太小
    if (fabs(length2) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::min())
        _mat[0][0] = 0.0; _mat[1][0] = 0.0; _mat[2][0] = 0.0;
        _mat[0][1] = 0.0; _mat[1][1] = 0.0; _mat[2][1] = 0.0;
        _mat[0][2] = 0.0; _mat[1][2] = 0.0; _mat[2][2] = 0.0;
        double rlength2;
        // 如果需要將四元數單位化
        // We can avoid the expensive sqrt in this case since all 'coefficients' below are products of two q components.
        // That is a square of a square root, so it is possible to avoid that 這是一個平方的平方根,所以可以避免這樣做
        if (length2 != 1.0)
            rlength2 = 2.0/length2;
            rlength2 = 2.0;

        // Source: Gamasutra, Rotating Objects Using Quaternions

        double wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, yz, xy, xz, zz, x2, y2, z2;

        // calculate coefficients
        x2 = rlength2*QX;
        y2 = rlength2*QY;
        z2 = rlength2*QZ;

        xx = QX * x2;
        xy = QX * y2;
        xz = QX * z2;

        yy = QY * y2;
        yz = QY * z2;
        zz = QZ * z2;

        wx = QW * x2;
        wy = QW * y2;
        wz = QW * z2;

        // Note.  Gamasutra gets the matrix assignments inverted, resulting
        // in left-handed rotations, which is contrary to OpenGL and OSG's
        // methodology.  The matrix assignment has been altered in the next
        // few lines of code to do the right thing.
        // Don Burns - Oct 13, 2001
        _mat[0][0] = 1.0 - (yy + zz);
        _mat[1][0] = xy - wz;
        _mat[2][0] = xz + wy;

        _mat[0][1] = xy + wz;
        _mat[1][1] = 1.0 - (xx + zz);
        _mat[2][1] = yz - wx;

        _mat[0][2] = xz - wy;
        _mat[1][2] = yz + wx;
        _mat[2][2] = 1.0 - (xx + yy);

#if 0
    _mat[0][3] = 0.0;
    _mat[1][3] = 0.0;
    _mat[2][3] = 0.0;

    _mat[3][0] = 0.0;
    _mat[3][1] = 0.0;
    _mat[3][2] = 0.0;
    _mat[3][3] = 1.0;
