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Marketing AI: Consciousness or Intelligence?

From The Terminator's "Skynet" to 2001: A Space Odyssey's "Hal", Hollywood science fiction films featuring artificial intelligence (AI) often assume that the moment of consciousness is what suddenly makes the machine super-intelligent and able to match (or surpass) human abilities. As marketers, it's easy to accept this fantasy and imagine some distant future where AI exceeds marketers capabilities. The truth is less romantic, more utilitarian and already driving business value today. While the dramatic emergence of consciousness in the form of "the singularity" makes for great films, Yuval Noah Harari, an internationally renowned historian, argues that consciousness isn't required to make a dramatic impact on corporate goals such as revenue growth, customer engagement or profitability. Harari explains, "As long as they went hand in hand [consciousness & intelligence], debating their relative value was just an amusing pastime for philosophers."