1. 程式人生 > >流利閱讀12.31 The science of giving gifts your loved ones won’t want to return

流利閱讀12.31 The science of giving gifts your loved ones won’t want to return

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The science of giving gifts your loved ones won’t want to return

Trying to find an ideal gift for a friend or family member, or at least something that won’t end up in the trash, is a perennial source of pre-holiday anxiety.

As it happens, behavioral science can offer some help. After all, gift-giving combines economics and psychology, and those two academic fields have grown ever more entwined in recent years. So before struggling to sort through the likes, dislikes, quirks and wishes of the people on your holiday lists, you may want to consider some recent findings about which gift-giving strategies work.

In some areas of gift-giving, the research is in flux. For the past 15 years or so, the received wisdom in behavioral economics has been that buying experiences, or giving them as gifts, produces more happiness over the long run than purchased material things do. So instead of buying your sister a kitchen mixer, for instance, consider a gift of cooking lessons from a local chef.
在一些關於送禮的領域裡,研究處於不斷的變化中。在過去大約 15 年中,行為經濟學的公認觀點是購買體驗,或者將體驗作為禮物贈送,從長遠來看,比購買實物能產生更多快樂。因此,舉個例子,與其給你的姐妹購買一臺廚房攪拌機,不如考慮把當地大廚的烹飪課作為禮物送給她。

Experiences are thought to trump material goods for several reasons, chiefly because people tend to use material things on their own, whereas experiences are often shared with others. And material goods are easily compared against rival goods, or against things friends and acquaintances own, which fosters discontentedness. Experiences are more idiosyncratic, effectively blocking such comparisons.

Yet other researchers have recently pushed back against the “buy experiences” conventional wisdom. Two academic psychologists at the University of British Columbia found that objects received as gifts tend to produce modest and consistent happiness, whereas experiences given as gifts sparked brief, intense bursts of happiness. So sometimes it comes down to which kind of happiness you wish to convey.

—————文章來源 / 華盛頓郵報

adj. 長期存在的;經久不衰的;反覆發生的

n. 送禮

adj. 緊密結合的,不可分離的

  • The fates of both countries are entwined.

sort through

  • sort through information

n. 怪癖;古怪之處

  • A quirk of Euro 2020 is that there are 12 host countries.

in flux

  • Our plans for the next year are still in flux.

over the long run

  • in the short run

v. 打敗,勝過

  • trump another player’s cards

n. 熟人;相識之人;泛泛之交

  • a business acquaintance
  • a casual acquaintance

n. 不滿情緒;不滿足

adj. 特殊的

  • idiosyncrasy

push back against sth.

  • Employees push back against the culture of overwork.

n. 突然增加;爆發

  • a burst of laughter / anger

come down to sth.

  • It all comes down to money in the end.