1. 程式人生 > >SLAM從入門到放棄:SLAM十四講第八章習題(4)



  1. 使用Ceres實現RGB-D上稀疏直接法和半稠密直接法。
基於SE3的Ceres程式碼,參考了:https://github.com/Lancelot899/ceres_pnp。. 需要注意的是需要重寫LocalParameterization,以滿足SE3的更新方法。但是我還沒完全弄懂原理。
class SE3Parameterization : public ceres::LocalParameterization 
    SE3Parameterization() {}
    virtual ~SE3Parameterization() {}
    virtual bool Plus(const double* x,
                      const double* delta,
                      double* x_plus_delta) const
        Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>> lie(x);
        Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>> delta_lie(delta);

        Sophus::SE3 T = Sophus::SE3::exp(lie);
        Sophus::SE3 delta_T = Sophus::SE3::exp(delta_lie);
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> x_plus_delta_lie = (delta_T * T).log();

        for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) 
            x_plus_delta[i] = x_plus_delta_lie(i, 0);  
        return true;
    virtual bool ComputeJacobian(const double* x,
                                 double* jacobian) const 
        ceres::MatrixRef(jacobian, 6, 6) = ceres::Matrix::Identity(6, 6);
        return true;
    virtual int GlobalSize() const { return 6; }
    virtual int LocalSize() const { return 6; }

class SparseBA : public ceres::SizedCostFunction<1,6>
    cv::Mat *gray_;
    double cx_,cy_;
    double fx_,fy_;

    double pixelValue_;
    Eigen::Vector3d point_;

    SparseBA(cv::Mat *gray,
             double cx,double cy,
             double fx,double fy,
             Eigen::Vector3d point,double pixelValue)
        gray_ = gray;
        cx_ = cx; cy_ = cy;
        fx_ = fx; fy_ = fy;
        point_ = point;
        pixelValue_ = pixelValue;

    virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* pose,
                          double *residual,
                          double **jacobians) const
        Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1>> lie(pose[0]);
        Sophus::SE3 T = Sophus::SE3::exp(lie);

        Eigen::Vector3d newPoint = T*point_;
        double x = newPoint(0);
        double y = newPoint(1);
        double z = newPoint(2);

        // Project
        double ux = fx_*x/z+cx_;
        double uy = fy_*y/z+cy_;

        residual[0] = getPixelValue(ux,uy) - pixelValue_;

            double invz = 1.0/z;
            double invz_2 = invz*invz;

            // jacobian from se3 to u,v
            // NOTE that in g2o the Lie algebra is (\omega, \epsilon), where \omega is so(3) and \epsilon the translation
            Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 6> jacobian_uv_ksai;

			// 注意順序
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,3 ) = - x*y*invz_2 *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,4 ) = ( 1+ ( x*x*invz_2 ) ) *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,5 ) = - y*invz *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,0 ) = invz *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,1 ) = 0;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,2 ) = -x*invz_2 *fx_;

            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,3 ) = - ( 1+y*y*invz_2 ) *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,4 ) = x*y*invz_2 *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,5 ) = x*invz *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,0 ) = 0;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,1 ) = invz *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,2 ) = -y*invz_2 *fy_;

            Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 2> jacobian_pixel_uv;

            jacobian_pixel_uv ( 0,0 ) = ( getPixelValue ( ux+1,uy )-getPixelValue ( ux-1,uy ) ) /2;
            jacobian_pixel_uv ( 0,1 ) = ( getPixelValue ( ux,uy+1 )-getPixelValue ( ux,uy-1 ) ) /2;

            Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 6> jacobian = jacobian_pixel_uv*jacobian_uv_ksai;

            jacobians[0][0] = jacobian(0);
            jacobians[0][1] = jacobian(1);
            jacobians[0][2] = jacobian(2);
            jacobians[0][3] = jacobian(3);
            jacobians[0][4] = jacobian(4);
            jacobians[0][5] = jacobian(5);

        return true;

    // get a gray scale value from reference image (bilinear interpolated)
    double getPixelValue ( double x, double y ) const
        uchar* data = & gray_->data[ int ( y ) * gray_->step + int ( x ) ];
        double xx = x - floor ( x );
        double yy = y - floor ( y );
        return double (
                   ( 1-xx ) * ( 1-yy ) * data[0] +
                   xx* ( 1-yy ) * data[1] +
                   ( 1-xx ) *yy*data[ gray_->step ] +

bool poseEstimationDirectCeres ( const vector< Measurement >& measurements, cv::Mat* gray, Eigen::Matrix3f& K, Eigen::Isometry3d& Tcw )
    ceres::Problem problem;

    double pose[6];
    Sophus::SE3 poseSE(Tcw.rotation(),Tcw.translation());
    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> poseVec = poseSE.log();
    pose[0] = poseVec(0);
    pose[1] = poseVec(1);
    pose[2] = poseVec(2);
    pose[3] = poseVec(3);
    pose[4] = poseVec(4);
    pose[5] = poseVec(5);

    // 新增
    for ( Measurement m: measurements )
        ceres::CostFunction *costFunction = new SparseBA(gray,K(0,2),K(1,2),K(0,0),K(1,1),
                                                         double(m.grayscale) );

    problem.SetParameterization(pose, new SE3Parameterization());

    ceres::Solver::Options options;
    options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_QR;

    ceres::Solver::Summary summary;

    // Update
    poseVec(0) = pose[0];
    poseVec(1) = pose[1];
    poseVec(2) = pose[2];
    poseVec(3) = pose[3];
    poseVec(4) = pose[4];
    poseVec(5) = pose[5];

    Tcw = Sophus::SE3::exp(poseVec).matrix();
class SparseBA : public ceres::SizedCostFunction<1,6>
    cv::Mat *gray_;
    double cx_,cy_;
    double fx_,fy_;

    double pixelValue_;
    double X_,Y_,Z_;

    SparseBA(cv::Mat *gray,
             double cx,double cy,
             double fx,double fy,
             double X,double Y,double Z,double pixelValue)
        gray_ = gray;
        cx_ = cx; cy_ = cy;
        fx_ = fx; fy_ = fy;
        X_ = X; Y_ = Y; Z_ = Z;
        pixelValue_ = pixelValue;

    virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* pose,
                          double *residual,
                          double **jacobians) const
        double P[3];
        P[0] = X_; P[1] = Y_; P[2] = Z_;

        double newP[3];
        double R[3];
        R[0] = pose[0][0]; R[1]=pose[0][1]; R[2]=pose[0][2];

        newP[0] += pose[0][3]; newP[1] += pose[0][4]; newP[2] += pose[0][5];

        // Project
        double ux = fx_*newP[0]/newP[2]+cx_;
        double uy = fy_*newP[1]/newP[2]+cy_;

        residual[0] = getPixelValue(ux,uy) - pixelValue_;

            double invz = 1.0/newP[2];
            double invz_2 = invz*invz;

            // jacobian from se3 to u,v
            // NOTE that in g2o the Lie algebra is (\omega, \epsilon), where \omega is so(3) and \epsilon the translation
            Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 6> jacobian_uv_ksai;

            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,0 ) = - newP[0]*newP[1]*invz_2 *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,1 ) = ( 1+ ( newP[0]*newP[0]*invz_2 ) ) *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,2 ) = - newP[1]*invz *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,3 ) = invz *fx_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,4 ) = 0;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 0,5 ) = -newP[0]*invz_2 *fx_;

            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,0 ) = - ( 1+newP[1]*newP[1]*invz_2 ) *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,1 ) = newP[0]*newP[1]*invz_2 *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,2 ) = newP[0]*invz *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,3 ) = 0;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,4 ) = invz *fy_;
            jacobian_uv_ksai ( 1,5 ) = -newP[1]*invz_2 *fy_;

            Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 2> jacobian_pixel_uv;

            jacobian_pixel_uv ( 0,0 ) = ( getPixelValue ( ux+1,uy )-getPixelValue ( ux-1,uy ) ) /2;
            jacobian_pixel_uv ( 0,1 ) = ( getPixelValue ( ux,uy+1 )-getPixelValue ( ux,uy-1 ) ) /2;

            Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 6> jacobian = jacobian_pixel_uv*jacobian_uv_ksai;

            jacobians[0][0] = jacobian(0);
            jacobians[0][1] = jacobian(1);
            jacobians[0][2] = jacobian(2);
            jacobians[0][3] = jacobian(3);
            jacobians[0][4] = jacobian(4);
            jacobians[0][5] = jacobian(5);

        return true;

    // get a gray scale value from reference image (bilinear interpolated)
    double getPixelValue ( double x, double y ) const
        uchar* data = & gray_->data[ int ( y ) * gray_->step + int ( x ) ];
        double xx = x - floor ( x );
        double yy = y - floor ( y );
        return double (
                   ( 1-xx ) * ( 1-yy ) * data[0] +
                   xx* ( 1-yy ) * data[1] +
                   ( 1-xx ) *yy*data[ gray_->step ] +

bool poseEstimationDirectCeres ( const vector< Measurement >& measurements, cv::Mat* gray, Eigen::Matrix3f& K, Eigen::Isometry3d& Tcw )
    ceres::Problem problem;

    double pose[6];
    Eigen::AngleAxisd rotationVector(Tcw.rotation());
    pose[0] = rotationVector.angle()*rotationVector.axis()(0);
    pose[1] = rotationVector.angle()*rotationVector.axis()(1);
    pose[2] = rotationVector.angle()*rotationVector.axis()(2);
    pose[3] = Tcw.translation()(0);
    pose[4] = Tcw.translation()(1);
    pose[5] = Tcw.translation()(2);

    // 新增
    for ( Measurement m: measurements )
        ceres::CostFunction *costFunction = new SparseBA(gray,K(0,2),K(1,2),K(0,0),K(1,1),
                                                         double(m.grayscale) );

    ceres::Solver::Options options;
    options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_QR;

    ceres::Solver::Summary summary;

    // Update
    cv::Mat rotateVectorCV = cv::Mat::zeros(3,1,CV_64FC1);
    rotateVectorCV.at<double>(0) = pose[0];
    rotateVectorCV.at<double>(1) = pose[1];
    rotateVectorCV.at<double>(2) = pose[2];

    cv::Mat RCV;
    Tcw(0,0) = RCV.at<double>(0,0);  Tcw(0,1) = RCV.at<double>(0,1);   Tcw(0,2) = RCV.at<double>(0,2);
    Tcw(1,0) = RCV.at<double>(1,0);  Tcw(1,1) = RCV.at<double>(1,1);   Tcw(1,2) = RCV.at<double>(1,2); 
    Tcw(2,0) = RCV.at<double>(2,0);  Tcw(2,1) = RCV.at<double>(2,1);   Tcw(2,2) = RCV.at<double>(2,2); 

    Tcw(0,3) = pose[3]; Tcw(1,3) = pose[4]; Tcw(2,3) = pose[5];