1. 程式人生 > >洛谷 P3116 [USACO15JAN]約會時間Meeting Time

洛谷 P3116 [USACO15JAN]約會時間Meeting Time


Bessie and her sister Elsie want to travel from the barn to theirfavorite field, such that they leave at exactly the same time from the barn,and also arrive at exactly the same time at their favorite field. The farm is acollection of N fields (1 <= N <= 100) numbered 1..N, where field 1contains the barn and field N is the favorite field. The farm is built on theside of a hill, with field X being higher in elevation than field Y if X <Y. An assortment of M paths connect pairs of fields. However, since each pathis rather steep, it can only be followed in a downhill direction. For example,a path connecting field 5 with field 8 could be followed in the 5 -> 8direction but not the other way, since this would be uphill. Each pair offields is connected by at most one path, so M <= N(N-1)/2. It might takeBessie and Elsie different amounts of time to follow a path; for example,Bessie might take 10 units of time, and Elsie 20. Moreover, Bessie and Elsieonly consume time when traveling on paths between fields -- since they are in ahurry, they always travel through a field in essentially zero time, neverwaiting around anywhere. Please help determine the shortest amount of timeBessie and Elsie must take in order to reach their favorite field at exactlythe same moment.


The first input line contains N and M, separated by a space. Eachof the following M lines describes a path using four integers A B C D, where Aand B (with A < B) are the fields connected by the path, C is the timerequired for Bessie to follow the path, and D is the time required for Elsie tofollow the path. Both C and D are in the range 1..100.


A single integer, giving the minimum time required for Bessie andElsie to travel to their favorite field and arrive at the same moment. If thisis impossible, or if there is no way for Bessie or Elsie to reach the favoritefield at all, output the word IMPOSSIBLE on a single line.



1 3 12

1 2 12

2 3 12



提示:Bessie is twice as fast as Elsie on each path, butif Bessie takes the path 1->2->3 and Elsie takes the path 1->3 theywill arrive at the same time.

#include <cstdio>
#define N 10005
int n,m,x,y,xx,yy;
int cnt,first[N],next[N],v[N],w[N];
int first1[N],next1[N],v1[N],w1[N];
int q[N*500],q1[N*500],head,tail;
bool ans[N],ans1[N];
using namespace std;
inline void spfa(int x)
    while (head<tail)
        for (int i=first[q[head]];i;i=next[i])
            if (v[i]==n) ans[q1[tail]]=1;
inline void spfa1(int x)
    while (head<tail)
        for (int i=first1[q[head]];i;i=next1[i])
            if (v1[i]==n) ans1[q1[tail]]=1;
int main()
    for (int i=1;i<=m;i++)
    for (int i=1;i<10005;i++)
      if (ans[i]&&ans1[i])
      	return 0;
    return 0;


P3116 [USACO15JAN]約會時間Meeting Time

題目描述Bessie and her sister Elsie want to travel from the barn to theirfavorite field, such that they leave at exactly the same time from th

USACO15JAN P3116 Meeting time

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題目傳送門 題目描述 倫敦奧運會要到了,小魚在拼命練習游泳準備參加游泳比賽,可憐的小魚並不知道魚類是不能參加人類的奧運會的。這一天,小魚給自己的游泳時間做了精確的計時(本題中的計時都按24小時制計算),它發現自己從a時b分一直游泳到當天的c時d分,請你幫小魚計算一下,它這天一共

【模擬】_3952 時間複雜度

題意 給出幾個語句,判斷它們的時間複雜度是否符合,如果是的話輸出‘Yes’,不然輸出’No’,編譯錯誤的話輸出‘ERR’。 思路 比較長的模擬。 用一個check判斷時間複雜度和是否有編譯錯誤,最後比較

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正在 size region algo cout ear its 編譯 編寫程序 題目描述 小明正在學習一種新的編程語言 A++,剛學會循環語句的他激動地寫了好多程序並 給出了他自己算出的時間復雜度,可他的編程老師實在不想一個一個檢查小明的程序, 於是你的機會來啦!下面請你

P3952 時間複雜度 題解

作者:岸芷汀蘭 一、題目: 洛谷原題 二、思路: 很顯然是一道大模擬題,資料結構用棧。 但坑點比較多,先來看一下我的慘痛經歷。 主要有以下坑點: 字串的讀入; 時間複雜度是取最大值; 判錯(包括變數的判重,我用了STL中的set)

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