1. 程式人生 > >hdu6198 number number number(找規律+矩陣快速冪)

hdu6198 number number number(找規律+矩陣快速冪)

Problem Description

We define a sequence F:

⋅ F0=0,F1=1;
⋅ Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 (n≥2).

Give you an integer k, if a positive number n can be expressed by
n=Fa1+Fa2+…+Fak where 0≤a1≤a2≤⋯≤ak, this positive number is mjf−good. Otherwise, this positive number is mjf−bad.
Now, give you an integer k, you task is to find the minimal positive mjf−bad number.
The answer may be too large. Please print the answer modulo 998244353.

There are about 500 test cases, end up with EOF.
Each test case includes an integer k which is described above. (1≤k≤10^9)

For each case, output the minimal mjf−bad number mod 998244353.

Sample Input

Sample Output




#include <iostream> 
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std; 
#define LL long long 
const int mod= 998244353
; struct matrix { LL x[2][2]; }; matrix mutimatrix(matrix a,matrix b) { matrix temp; memset(temp.x,0,sizeof(temp.x)); for(int i=0;i<2;i++) for(int j=0;j<2;j++) for(int k=0;k<2;k++) { temp.x[i][j]+=a.x[i][k]*b.x[k][j]; temp.x[i][j]%=mod; } return temp; } matrix k_powmatrix(matrix a,LL n)//矩陣快速冪 { matrix temp; memset(temp.x,0,sizeof(temp.x)); for(int i=0;i<2;i++) temp.x[i][i]=1; while(n) { if(n&1) temp=mutimatrix(temp,a); a=mutimatrix(a,a); n>>=1; } return temp; } int main() { LL k; while(scanf("%lld",&k)!=EOF) { matrix st; //memset(st.x,0,sizeof(st.x)); st.x[0][0]=1; st.x[0][1]=1; st.x[1][0]=1; st.x[1][1]=0; matrix init;//初始矩陣 //memset(init.x,0,sizeof(init.x)); init.x[0][0]=8; init.x[0][1]=5; st=k_powmatrix(st,2*(k-1)); st=mutimatrix(init,st);//然後再乘上初始矩陣 printf("%lld\n",(st.x[0][1]-1+mod)%mod); } return 0; }