1. 程式人生 > >Linux學習筆記(演算法與資料結構)之 佇列程式碼(C語言)

Linux學習筆記(演算法與資料結構)之 佇列程式碼(C語言)




// Cpp_Study.cpp : 定義控制檯應用程式的入口點。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 @name : Queue_Node
 @func : The struct to define a Queue_Node
 @varialbe :
		 Data: The number recorded in the queue
		 Next: The pointer to the node in the direction of bottom of the queue
typedef struct Queue_Node
	int Data;
	Queue_Node* Next;

 @name : Queue_Top
 @func : The struct to define a Queue
 @varialbe :
		 Top: The pointer of the top-node of the queue,which will be poped first
		 Bottom: The pointer to the bottom-node. New data will always be at the bottom
		 Size: Size of queue. We record it so we don't calculate it 
typedef struct Queue_Top
	QUEUE_NODE* Bottom;
	int size;

 @name : Destory_Node
 @func : To Destory a node
 @para : queue_node: The pointer of node to destory
 @return value : Pointer of next node, which become the top of the queue
					after Destory.
QUEUE_NODE* Destory_Node(QUEUE_NODE* queue_node)
	if (queue_node == NULL)
		printf("The queue_node is NULL. Cannot free the memory.\n");
		return NULL;
	QUEUE_NODE* queue_next_node = queue_node->Next;
	return queue_next_node;

 @name : Create_Node
 @func : To create a node
 @para : last_node : Always pointer to node of the top of the queue.After the create,
						it will be the second node of the queue counting from the top
		 Data : The number to record in the created node
 @return value : Pointer of created node
QUEUE_NODE* Create_Node(QUEUE_NODE* last_node,int Data)
	QUEUE_NODE* queue_node = (QUEUE_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(QUEUE_NODE));
	queue_node->Data = Data;
	queue_node->Next = last_node;
	return queue_node;

 @name : Queue_Init
 @func : Init a queue
 @para : queue: The pointer of queue to init
 @return value : NULL
void Queue_Init(QUEUE* queue)
	queue->Bottom = NULL;
	queue->Top = NULL;
	queue->size = 0;

 @name : Queue_Deinit
 @func : Destory a queue and free the memory
 @para : queue: The pointer of queue to destory
 @return value : NULL
void Queue_Deinit(QUEUE* queue)
	QUEUE_NODE* queue_node = queue->Top;
	while (queue_node != NULL)
		queue_node = Destory_Node(queue_node);
		queue->size --;
	queue->Bottom = NULL;
	queue->size = 0;
	queue->Top = NULL;

 @name : Queue_Push
 @func : Push a data to the top of the queue
 @para : queue: The pointer of queue to push a data to
		 Data : The data to push
 @return value : NULL
void Queue_Push(QUEUE* queue,int Data)
	QUEUE_NODE* queue_node = Create_Node(queue->Top,Data);
	queue->Top = queue_node;
	if (queue->Bottom == NULL) queue->Bottom = queue_node;

 @name : Queue_Pop
 @func : Pop a data to the top of the queue
 @para : queue: The pointer of queue to pop a data
 @return value : The Data that is poped
int Queue_Pop(QUEUE* queue)
	if (queue->Top == NULL) 
		printf("The queue is empty. Failed to pop.");
		return -1;
	int Data = queue->Top->Data;
	QUEUE_NODE* queue_node = Destory_Node(queue->Top);
	queue->Top = queue_node;
	queue->size --;
	return Data;

 @name : Queue_Is_Empty
 @func : To check whether the queue is empty
 @para : queue: The pointer of queue to check
 @return value : 1 : The queue is empty
				 0 : The queue is not empty
int Queue_Is_Empty(QUEUE* queue)
	return queue->Top == NULL ? 1 : 0;

 @name : Queue_Print_Node_Info
 @func : Print a data of a node
 @para : queue_node: The node to print
 @return value : The pointer of the next node
QUEUE_NODE* Queue_Print_Node_Info(QUEUE_NODE* queue_node)
	printf("%d ",queue_node->Data);
	return queue_node->Next;

 @name : Queue_Output_All
 @func : Print all data in a queue
 @para : queue: The pointer of queue to print 
 @return value : NULL
void Queue_Output_All(QUEUE* queue)
	QUEUE_NODE* queue_node = queue->Top;
	while(queue_node != NULL)
		queue_node = Queue_Print_Node_Info(queue_node);

int main()
	//Test Code
	QUEUE queue;
		int operationNum = 0,num = 0;
		printf("Please input the operation num:\n1.push\n2.pop\n3.show queue size\
			   \n4.show all data\n5.delete the queue\n");
		if (operationNum == 1)
		else if (operationNum == 2)
			printf("\nPoped %d\n",Queue_Pop(&queue));
		else if (operationNum == 3)
			printf("\nThe size of the queue is %d\n",queue.size);
		else if (operationNum == 4)
		else if (operationNum == 5)

