1. 程式人生 > >hiho1234--Fractal(高精度比較問題)



This is the logo of PKUACM 2016. More specifically, the logo is generated as follows:

1. Put four points A0(0,0), B0(0,1), C0(1,1), D0(1,0) on a cartesian coordinate system.

2. Link A0B0, B0C0, C0D0, D0A0 separately, forming square A0B0C0D0.

3. Assume we have already generated square AiBiCiDi, then square Ai+1

Bi+1Ci+1Di+1 is generated by linking the midpoints of AiBi, BiCi, CiDi and DiAi successively.

4. Repeat step three 1000 times.

Now the designer decides to add a vertical line x=k to this logo( 0<= k < 0.5, and for k, there will be at most 8 digits after the decimal point). He wants to know the number of common points between the new line and the original logo.


In the first line there’s an integer T( T < 10,000), indicating the number of test cases.

Then T lines follow, each describing a test case. Each line contains an float number k, meaning that you should calculate the number of common points between line x = k and the logo.


For each test case, print a line containing one integer indicating the answer. If there are infinity common points, print -1.