1. 程式人生 > >薄荷英語--2018年11月07日知識點總結



  • You change your life by changing your heart 從心開始改變生活。




  • 1.While Heidi was talking, Peter’s mother arrived, and shouted out/ in her amazement: “Surely, this is Heidi. But how can that be?”

in one’s amazement 大吃一驚地、驚訝地 He cried out in his amazement, for he found a spider was on the back of Rita. 他大吃一驚地叫了一聲,因為他發現Rita的背上有一隻蜘蛛。

句子大意: “當Heidi正在說話的時候(While Heidi was talking), Peter的媽媽來了(Peter’s mother arrived), 她驚訝地(in her amazement)喊道(and shouted out):‘ 真的是Heidi(Surely, this is Heidi)! 但是這怎麼可能(But how can that be)?’”

  • 2.The child rose/ to shake hands with Brigida, who could not get over Heidi’s beautiful dress and hat.

can/could not get over 對…感到驚訝

Jacob couldn’t get over the way she behaved in the cinema. 她在電影院裡的的行為令Jacob非常震驚。

句子大意: “這小孩(Heidi)站起來(The child rose)和Brigida握手(to shake hands with Brigida)。 Brigida對Heidi漂亮的裙子和帽子十分驚訝(who could not get over Heidi’s beautiful dress and hat)”。

  • 3.Heidi had remembered her grandfather’s words to Deta/ about her feather hat; that was why/ she had kept her old hat so carefully.

that is/was why 那就是為什麼 That was why he left his hometown. 那就是他為什麼離開家鄉的原因。

句子大意: “Heidi記得爺爺對Deta說的關於她的羽毛帽子的(about her feather hat)話(Heidi had remembered her grandfather’s words to Deta), 那就是為什麼(that was why) Heidi要那麼小心儲存舊帽子(的原因)(she had kept her old hat so carefully)”。

  • 4.Only when the glow had gone away/ was Heidi able to follow the path again.

Only when位於句首的倒裝句 Only when in this condition can you change your eating habits. 只有當處在這樣的環境時,你才能改變你的飲食習慣。 Only when we had met again did we realize that we were destined to be together. 只有當我們再次相遇時,我們才意識到我們是註定要在一起的。

句子大意: “只有當光線暗了下來(Only when the glow had gone away), Heidi才得以繼續沿著小路行進(Heidi was able to follow the path again)”。

  • 5 .She could say nothing but “Grandfather! Grandfather! Grandfather!” in her excitement.

nothing but 只有、只是 They care for nothing but fashion. 她們只知道時尚,其他什麼也不關心。

句子大意: “Heidi激動得說不出別的話,只是激動地喊‘爺爺!爺爺!爺爺!’”。

  • 6.Letting go of Heidi’s arms/ at last, he sat her/ on his knee.

sit 動詞 v.

  • sit ——》“坐” Amy went and sat beside him. Amy走過去坐在他身邊。
  • sit ——》“使…坐下” He gently led her to the chair and sat her on it. 他小心地把她帶到椅子邊讓她坐下。

句子大意: “最後(at last),爺爺鬆開了Heidi的手(Letting go of Heidi’s arms), 把她抱在自己的膝上(he sat her/ on his knee)”。

  • 7.But grandfather, sometimes I felt/ as if I could not bear it any longer/ to be away from you!

*bear 名詞 n. / 動詞 v.**

  • bear ——》名詞,“熊” The teddy bear is so lovely. 這隻玩具熊好可愛!
  • bear ——》動詞,“忍受” Some people can’t bear the loud noise of square dance. 有些人受不了廣場舞的巨大噪音。

句子大意: “可是(But),爺爺(grandfather), 有時候(sometimes) 我感覺好像(I felt/ as if) 我再也無法忍受(I could not bear it any longer) 離開你了(to be away from you)”。

  • 8.Having read the letter, he put it/ in his pocket.

句子大意: “爺爺讀完這封信(Having read the letter), 然後把它放進了衣兜裡(he put it/ in his pocket)”。

  • 9 .Heidi obeyed, and danced/ around the hut/ in her delight/ to see all the things/ she had missed so much/ again.

dance 動詞 v.

  • dance ——》動詞,“跳舞”
  • dance ——》動詞,“跳躍、雀躍、輕快地移動” The little boy danced off down the road. 這個小男孩蹦蹦跳跳地沿著馬路走了

句子大意: “Heidi照爺爺說的做了(Heidi obeyed), 然後高興地(in her delight)蹦蹦跳跳繞著屋子轉了一圈(danced/ around the hut), 再看看那些她之前特別想念的所有東西(to see all the things she had missed so much again)”。

  • 10 .She seized her bowl/ and emptied it eagerly, as if it was the most wonderful thing/ she had ever tasted.

empty 形容詞 adj. / 動詞 v.

  • empty——》形容詞,“空的” The room was bare and empty. 房間空蕩蕩的。
  • empty——》動詞,“使…成為空的” How delicious! I emptied all the dishes my mom had done! 好美味呀!我把我媽媽做的飯菜一掃光了。

句子大意: “Heidi一把拿起碗(She seized her bowl) 急切地喝完了(emptied it eagerly), 好像(as if) 這是她品嚐過的的最美味的東西(it was the most wonderful thing/ she had ever tasted)”。

  • 11.Heidi greeted the boy, who stopped, rooted to the spot, staring at her.

rooted to the spot 呆若木雞、一動不動 He was rooted to the spot with amazement. 他驚呆了。

句子大意: “Heidi向這個男孩(Peter)問了問好(Heidi greeted the boy), 這個男孩一下停了下來(who stopped)呆住了(rooted to the spot), 只愣愣地望著Heidi(staring at her)”。

  • 12.Then she ran/ into the middle of her friends, who had not forgotten her either.

句子大意: “然後(Then)Heidi跑到她朋友中間(she ran/ into the middle of her friends), 她的那些朋友們也都還沒有忘記她(who had not forgotten her either)”。

  • 13 .Heidi was beside herself/ with joy, and touched little Snowhopper and Thistlefinch, till she felt herself pushed/ to and fro/ among them.

be beside oneself (因情緒太強烈而)無法控制自己 He was beside himself with grief when she died. 她死時,他悲痛欲絕。

句子大意: “Heidi開心得不得了(Heidi was beside herself/ with joy), 她摸了摸年幼的Snowhopper, 又拍了拍Thistlefinch(and touched little Snowhopper and Thistlefinch), 直到她感覺自己在山羊中, 被山羊們推來推去(till she felt herself pushed/ to and fro/ among them)”。

  • 14 .“No, tomorrow I must go to see grandmother, but perhaps/ the day after.”

the day after tomorrow 後天 I’m going to go back home the day after tomorrow. 我後天回家啦。

句子大意: “不(No),明天我必須去看望祖母(tomorrow I must go to see grandmother), 但或許後天(可以和你一起上山去)(but perhaps/ the day after)。”

  • 15 . When Heidi went up to her loft to sleep, she found a fresh, fragrant bed waiting for her; and she slept better/ that night/ than she had/ for many, many months, for her great and burning longing had been satisfied.

burning 形容詞 adj.

  • burning——》“燃燒的” A burning building caught people’s attention. 一棟燃燒的大樓引起了人們的注意。
  • burning——》“(情感)強烈的” I had a burning ambition to become a professional translator. 我有強烈的願望要成為一名專業譯員。

句子大意: “當Heidi爬上她的閣樓(When Heidi went up to her loft), 去睡覺時(to sleep), 她發現一張散發著清香的新床正等候著她(she found a fresh, fragrant bed waiting for her)。 Heidi那晚睡得很好(she slept better/ that night), 比之前的好多好多個月睡得都要香(than she had/ for many, many months), 因為(for)她心心念唸的強烈渴望已經得到了滿足(her great and burning longing had been satisfied)”。




There’s a saying that every end is a new beginning. This is what happened to Brazilian illustrator Rafael Mantesso a few years ago when he divorced his ex-wife and she left leaving behind an empty house with white walls. 有一種說法,每個結束都是新的開始。這說的就是巴西插畫家Rafael Mantesso幾年前的事,當時他和前妻離婚,前妻搬走後僅留給他一棟空洞洞的房子。

“She took her cookware, furniture, photos, her decorations,” Mantesso wrote on Bored Panda earlier. “The only thing she didn’t take was my bull terrier, whom she’d named after her favorite shoe designer: Jimmy Choo.” Mantesso之前曾在國外網站Bored Panda上這樣寫過。“她拿走了她的炊具、傢俱、照片還有她的裝飾品。她唯一留下的就是我的鬥牛犬,她當時還取名為自己最喜歡的鞋子設計師Jimmy Choo。”

Inspired by the blank walls and his dog, Mantesso started snapping pictures of Jimmy running around the house and this was the moment these humorous series was born. 受空空如也的家和狗狗的啟發,Mantesso就開始拍攝吉米在家裡跑來跑去的照片,這也就誕生了這些幽默的系列照片。

“When Jimmy collapsed in happy exhaustion next to the white wall, I grabbed a marker and drew a new world around his ginger-eared pup. Suddenly, I felt his long-dormant inspiration for drawing, for art, for life—returning.” “當吉米玩得累了躺在白牆邊時,我拿起一個記號筆,在他的薑黃色耳朵旁創造了一個新世界。突然之間,我就發現對繪畫、藝術、生活的靈感突然噴發而來。

Mantesso continues to portray his bull terrier in fun scenarios that are the result of the illustrations that now have almost 600k fans on Instagram. Mantesso現在繼續在有趣的場景拍攝他的鬥牛梗,拍攝這些插圖,並且現在Instagram上已經有了近6萬粉絲。